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3rd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment


In 26-28 September 2016, Institute of Agriculture and Food Economics –NRI abreast of Warsaw University of Life Sciences and Selcuk University from Turkey organized a conference: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment. The Conference was held on the University campus.

The main organizers from the Institute was Horticultural Economics Department, and from the University of Life Sciences - Section of Horticultural Economic.

There were over 70 scientific representatives, participate in the Conference from: Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Kuwait, India, Japan, China, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania.

Representatives of IAFE-NRI prepared followed papers:

  1. Prof. dr hab. Józef Zegar, dr Wioletta Wrzaszcz – The holism principle in the strategy for the agriculture sustainable development;
  2. Dr hab. Marcin Gospodarowicz – Assessment of social and economic cohesion of municipalities in Poland in the years 2005-2014;
  3. Dr Bożena Nosecka – Support of knowledge base economy in Polish agriculture.

There were four posters presented:

  1. M Sc. Anna Bugała – Polish foreign trade in horticulture products after the accession to the EU;
  2. M Sc Monika Roman – Changes in the geographical scope of the butter market;
  3. M Sc. Paweł Kraciński – The competitive position of Polish apples;
  4. M Sc. Ing. Łukasz Zaremba – Price risk in horticultural sector in Poland.

The plenary session was conducted by prof. dr hab. Renata Grochowska and the chairs of three thematic sessions were: dr hab. Marcin Gospodarowicz, dr Zbigniew Floriańczyk and dr Bożena Nosecka.

Representatives of countries participated in the venue are interested in further scientific cooperation with Institute of Agriculture and Food Economics –NRI.

Kamila Sobiecka
Kamila Sobiecka
Kamila Sobiecka
Visited: 12355